
Destroyed by the earthquakes of 1542 and 1693, the inhabited centre of Melilli arises on the bottom of Climiti Moutains, on a natural terrace on the roadstead of Augusta.
The word comes from the production of the very famous honey of Iblei Mountains, a common tradition with the close Sortino. After the earthquake of 1693, Melilli saves in the centre the cathedral, dedicated to St Nicholas, characterized by a roof pictured with images representing the Triumph of Faith by Olivo Sozzi.
The sanctuary of St Sebastian, patron of the town, was built in 1751 following the pictures by Luis Alexandre Dumontier.
The interior is enriched with precious frescos by Sozzi, Letterio Paladino, Campolo and Francesco Gramignani. The main altar is a frieze by Ignazio Marabitti, representing the deposition of St Sebastian.

“Archive A.P.T. Syracuse”

  • Municipio (Foto: E. Zinna)

  • Festa di S. Sebastiano (Foto: N. Privitera)